Choosing Gratitude and Spreading Hope: A Look into Our Community 

At BJM, we intentionally choose gratitude and celebration.  We have witnessed how a mindset of gratitude has a ripple effect. Gratitude begets gratitude. It goes beyond our personal lives and impacts those around us. Our hope becomes infectious, catalyzing transformation. This is a regular rhythm not just for our staff and team but we practice with the women, girls, and families in our community.

Every week, we gather for our IGNITE youth group. Middle schoolers, high schoolers, and college students gather around a crowded table sharing the highs and lows, joys and disappointments, praying and belonging together. This is our regular weekly rhythm as a community. 

Last week, we expanded on this practice during our annual potluck Friendsgiving Feast with our IGNITE crew. We took intentional time to reflect on all the things we’re grateful for, asked God for perspective on even the hard things, wrote thank you notes to people who have impacted us, and shared things we’ve learned as a community.  As always, we were blown away by the depth and resilience of our students. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed following along as we’ve reflected on some of the things we’re grateful for this week over the last year. We encourage you to also take pause and take time to reflect, remember, and celebrate all that God has done in you, through you, and in your families and community. 

From our community to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.

With love,
Because Justice Matters

Because Justice Matters