Sensing God’s Presence: San Francisco Summer Reflections

by Jason Martinez

As the year winds down, it feels like such a natural time to look back and remember what has happened, as we are ushered into the Advent season with a time of Thanksgiving. I invite you to position your hearts with me in a posture of gratitude. Whether the year was filled with many celebrations and joyous occasions or the year was filled with difficulty and hope that we might pass through as quickly as possible, I want to invite you to be curious about this year in God’s presence. I have found that when I approach God with curiosity about what He is doing or where He has been, then a sense of closeness with God is inevitable. 

July through September of this year at BJM were incredibly impactful months and worth reflecting on in gratitude. In July, we went into the redwoods for the annual BJM Summer Youth Camp. For the second year in a row, I have been blessed to be able to go to this retreat with the BJM youth. There is something deeply mystical about leaving the city, heading to nature, and asking God to meet us. I remember being a teenager and having many reasons for wanting to go away to summer camp, but they were not always to meet with God. While I don’t know the reasons that BJM youth came to camp, I am incredibly grateful for how they responded to God when He met them there. I am grateful for the vivid memory of our “Encounter” worship night, where God met with each individual and all of us corporately. 

At the beginning of September, my wife and I launched the new BJM Azul Leadership Cohort for young adults. The start of something new is always a little scary. You ask questions like, “Will it work out the way I planned and hoped for? Will people be behind it or will this be a long, lonely journey? Did I even perceive or discern the word of the Lord correctly?” I can say that I am so grateful to the entire BJM team, and numerous supporters and partners for how much support was poured out for the cohort launch. I am so grateful for the three students who joined the cohort, and how they have shown up and continue to show up each week for learning, for growth, and for connection. I am incredibly grateful for how Jesus has been meeting each and every one of us in our times together, and I am so thrilled and filled with anticipation as I think about what these three incredible young adults are going to do with their lives. 

In the middle of September, we threw a beautiful party celebrating BRIGHT - 15 years of BJM.  That night, I felt grateful reflecting on God’s never-ending faithfulness to the BJM community. God provided for, sustained, and guided BJM through 15 years of ministry. We are only here and able to do the things we do because God has been so faithful each year as trials, challenges, and needs arose. It was a beautiful time to pause, look back in gratitude, and look ahead in hope.

As we enter into this next season, we pray we continue to be aware of God’s presence and faithfulness. We pray you, too, would be aware of God’s pursuit of you and encounter his love and generosity.

Because Justice Matters