Ending on a Sweet Note

Ending on a Sweet Note

As we end our Hispanic Heritage Month series, we are ending on a sweet note. Latino culture is known for its savory tamales but another spin on this is their sweet Tamales. The intentionality and hours taken to make this dish are a reflection of the resilience, persistence, and love of this culture toward their family and friends. To not give up when things get hard but always be full of faith that God will come through. As you carve out time to try and make this dish and enjoy the sweetness. Let’s celebrate how Latino culture encourages us to the sweetness of patiently waiting knowing that God is always faithful.

Rocio’s Tamales Dulces


  • “Masa” for tamales.

  • Dried corn husks (leaves).

  • Red food coloring

  • Fine sugar to taste.

  • Raisins - as many as you like

  • Fruit (optional)


  1. First, the leaves are put in water to soak for an hour approximately, then they are washed very well and put to drain.

  2. In a large bowl put the “tamales” dough, and add the the food coloring and sugar. Mix until you get the desired color and sweet, then add the raisins and mix again. 

  3. Since the corn husks (leaves) are ready, spoon the amount of dough already prepared that you desire add the fruit if desired too, and fold the sheet so that the mixture does not come out.

  4. Finally in a steamer pot cook tamales open side facing in. Cover very well and cook for 1 or 2 hours approximately. Check and see if they are cooked through after an hour. The tamales are cooked when the dough peels off the corn husks (leaves) easily.


Because Justice Matters