Volunteer FAQ

  • Programs are scheduled around the needs and availability of program particicpants which can vary from ministry to ministry. For example, youth programs are generally afternoons and evenings, while family activities, happen in the morning and on weekends. Check with your program leader for the specific schedule of your role.

  • Most programs consistently run from September - May, with special programming offered over the summer. For ongoing opportunitites, consistency is everything! Check with your program leader about the specific requirements for your role.

  • No, but to lead dance classes yes, haha!

  • No, but Spanish speakers are highly sought after!

  • For ongoing opportunities, the minimum age is 18. For special events like Family Fun Fest, or Operation Santa Claus, the whole family is encouraged to serve together.

  • Yes, all ongoing volunteers must have both a background check and the livescan! A new law in the State of California, requires the livescan process for all staff and volunteers of a youth serving organization, even if you do not come into direct contact with youth in your role.

  • According to California Law, volunteers at youth serving organizations are not required to report suspected abuse, however they are highly encouraged to do so. All of the BJM staff are mandated reporters and as a volunteer you will recieve mandated reporter training and training on the BJM specific process of filing incident reports follow-up.