A Gingerbread Answered Prayer

We’ve all been there.  Target in December.  Last minute gifts.  Household necessities.  And maybe something a bit more…

Ann*, one of our faithful supporters at BJM texted and asked if there was any way she could be part of the Christmas Baskets. Sylvia, our Families Director suggested Gingerbread houses and she  enthusiastically agreed.  25 kits were dropped off for the baskets. 

The next day, Sylvia and Lauren donned their red and white Santa hats, drove to the Tenderloin, set up a local parking garage (it was raining so we could not set up at the park) and began handing out the baskets.  (Covid had scrapped our plans for a party).  Moms eagerly received each precious parcel while their children beamed in delight.  

But we could never have expected this response. 

A Gingerbread house?!?

I’ve been teaching my daughter to ask God for what she needs,” said one mother. “Every night this December, she had been praying for a gingerbread house. 

The Friday before Christmas, we went to Target & she saw a gingerbread house she really wanted, but we couldn’t afford it. We only had enough to buy Pampers. 

But when our friends at Because Justice Matters dropped off our Christmas baskets that afternoon, the exact gingerbread house kit that she wanted was in there! Not only did this gift bring our family Christmas joy, but it also reinforced my daughter’s belief that God answers prayers. Because He does.
— A Mother in our Families Ministry

And that’s what your gift does.  Be a part of Christmas….in July.

This summer, your generous gift will help us fund Christmas celebrations for our children, families and women.

Visit our Christmas in July page to learn more about how you can bring joy this Christmas to our women and girls.