Ushering in the New with Gratitude

After a lovely Christmas break, we relaunched our programs and we were so excited to see everyone! For our youth ministries, we were ecstatic to see everyone again as we began a new semester of dance class, IGNITE, and onboarded our Student Apprentices for 2023. In our family ministries, we continued collaborating with partners as we hosted our weekly Mothers’ Appreciation Breakfasts and Bible studies. We were all challenged as we dug into the study of the book of James, desiring to live a life of faithfulness to Christ. In our EdenMade ministries, we continued monthly outreach to the clubs and developed intentional relationships.  We were encouraged to see one of our beloved friends courageously leave the club to pursue her dreams and her brighter future. 

We also launched the SHINE Mentorship program! This is a research-backed curriculum centered on the specific needs of system-affected adolescent girls. It focuses on strengthening girls' sense of self-identity, healthy relationships, goal setting, and knowledge while fostering confidence and leadership. This is one way that bright futures are realized with tangible steps of walking the pathway towards abundant life.  

As a BJM staff team, we incorporated a regular weekly rhythm of practicing the Sabbath. This was an intentional time where we each paused from the daily rhythms of ministry to reflect, rest, pray, and practice gratitude.. We are so grateful for God’s faithfulness. 

The practice of remembrance through gratitude can be seen throughout the Old Testament through the building of altars. At BJM, we value this and practice this ancient rhythm regularly. 

The Hebrew term for gratitude is hakarat ha’tov, which literally translates to: “recognizing the good.'' Practicing gratitude means recognizing the good that is already yours. It could be as simple as having salt on your table, food on your plate, or a roof over your head. 

This creates an anticipation for God’s goodness in our lives. It postures our hearts to be expectant. Even if we are waiting for the “yet to come,'' right now through faith, we can see it’s possible because of our history with the Lord. This hope sparks in us the belief of what is possible for us.

This Thanksgiving season, allow gratitude to spark possibility and catalyze dreams. Take time today and pray Ephesians 3:20 over you, your family, and your community:

“All glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”


Because Justice Matters