Music Becoming our Motto

As we look back to remember and celebrate, we oftentimes realize there was a thread that was stitched into the fabric of a season. The thread of Q2 for our ministry can be summed up in the lyrics of one of the songs our dancers performed at our Spring recital.

“Cause when I trust in you

I do the thing that I was made to do 

To live a life that fully rests in you 

And all your promises for me”

Spring Recital

At our Spring Recital on April 23rd, we had a lot to celebrate! 

  • More than 25 dancers took the stage.

  • A senior piece choreographed almost entirely by 2 graduating seniors. 

  • A graduation ceremony honoring 6 graduating students 

  • A powerful ensemble piece with all 25+ BJM dancers on the stage at once. 

However, the most exciting part of the night was watching the dancers embody the lyrics of their songs and worship God with their movement. From powerful jazz dances about being messengers of God to declarations that we are moving on from Glory to Glory in a 70’s inspired piece, the audience witnessed the dancers stepping out in faith and dancing into the promises God has for them. 

First Cohort of Graduating Seniors

We celebrated 6 seniors who graduated and have been involved in our programs. Better yet - this was the first semester we celebrated a cohort of 4 seniors who have been through our programs for their entire high school careers! We saw the thread of our semester coming into play as we prayed over the seniors to fully trust in God for their next steps and a good, bright future - whether it be college, trade school, or straight into the workforce.  

Summer Programming 

During the summer, we take a break from our norm and partner with local organizations to provide dance classes to their students. While our summer layout is different than our regular semester, our priorities stay the same. We always strive to prioritize relationships and connections with the students. Even though the class sizes varied throughout the summer, we were reminded of the importance of relationship and consistency as students that we hadn’t seen in a couple of weeks would shout out “HEY! That’s my dance teacher!” with such excitement. Although our time is brief with our summer partners, we see these dancers inch closer and closer to living a life fully resting in the goodness of God.

Thank you for following along as we reflect on our highlights from 2023!

Check back later this week for more stories, testimonies, and reflections!

Because Justice Matters