Redwood Cathedral

We live in a beautiful city filled with green spaces, however, there is nothing like the redwoods of Northern California!! Stepping into a canopy of redwoods feels like stepping into a cathedral, where your attention is immediately directed to the Creator. We (the BJM staff) had the opportunity to take 17 of the youth in the BJM community on a summer camp retreat into this natural cathedral to consider the Creator. Experiencing nature in this way quickly unlocked their curiosity. Throughout the weekend we all discussed what it is like to listen and recognize God’s voice, simply starting with, “Good morning God, here I am today.” We inspired youth with stories from our own journeys of following God while creating new stories with them right there! One of the youth said that her goal for the weekend was “to create a core memory” (Thank you to Pixar’s film “Inside Out”)!

Here is one example of what creating that core memory looked like during this year’s summer camp retreat:

Every adventure starts with a little of the unknown, which at times can be scary or intimidating. Once you take the first step, it is just one after another until you eventually find yourself 30 feet up in a redwood tree. Your friends are cheering for you as you step out onto a ledge mounted to the tree. You are harnessed safely in, but doubt can still have a way of creeping in. From the last rung of the ladder when you step onto the platform while awkwardly discerning how to go from standing to sitting on this small platform, doubt begins to surface. “Will this harness really hold me?” you wonder. You are refueled by your community shouting encouragement from below. Now the time is here to scoot your booty off the ledge and enjoy the ride. You have little control so you must trust the designer/creator of the zipline. That process seems to happen in a matter of seconds, highlighted by a grito as you slide off the platform. As soon as the trust is established, the zipline is going to hold you, and you can experience the JOY of flying through the redwood cathedral. After the flight is complete and you are safely lowered to the ground you are greeted, high-fived, and cheered on by everyone waiting below. Your CORE memory is made. 

We saw many of the youth experiencing core memories with God at the retreat. Core memories of hearing God’s voice speak to them, experiencing the flood of inspiration and comfort, and love when saying “yes” to God, connecting deeply with their friends, worshiping and praying to God together, and experiencing the restorative presence of the Holy Spirit were just some of the core memories we witnessed and experienced together. 

So much of our weekend was filled with spurring each other on. I hope this blog spurs you to reflect on core memories that you have made in the past with God and inspires you to make new ones.

Because Justice Matters